Saturday, October 8, 2011

What does "Healthy Living for Healthy Families" mean to you?

HLFHF member - Gina posted this...
"Some of my favorite holistic healing websites-sharing with all of you- add to the list for all the share........ 

Healthy living for healthy families- what that means to me

  • NO vaccines
  • no antibiotics
  • no prescription drugs
  • no cortisone topicals
  • no pesticides
  • no herbicides
  • no GMO foods
  • no acid based PH foods
  • No cow-dairy
  • no sugar
  • no salt
  • no coffee
  • no alcohol
  • plant based diet
  • no aspartame
  • Green energy like solar
  • hybrid/electric vehicles
  • wind power
  • recycle
  • make it yourself
  • grow it yourself
  • do it yourself
Been living this way for decades now- How about you?



What does it mean to me?

As a Nourishing Traditions, whole foods, mom of five one being a vax inj child as well as one with severe handicaps I agree with a lot of what she said.  The only things I do differently are these:  

  • I do enjoy raw milk kefir.  I get raw milk from a friend and fellow organic farmer near our place and create wonderful things from it - yogurt, kefir, cultured butter, cultured buttermilk, raw cultured cheeses... notice what is going on here?  EVERYTHING is cultured!  It all has gut healing properties that go beyond the normal run of the mill garbage yogurts that you find in the stores... the stuff that is filled with dyes, preservatives and Nasty sugars including the worst of the worst HFCS.  I was first introduced to Nourishing Traditions about 7 years ago when dealing with how we were going to treat our 3rd childs issues.  After having been completely dairy-free since 2001 (after our 2nd was born and dealing with the ASD symptoms of our 1st) we went into another direction.  With Jacob's Mitochondrial disorder we needed to find nutrient dense foods and we found that in raw milk.  I also started doing some natural fermentation.  WOW!  I mean who knew that letting a gallon of raw milk sit out on the counter and separate into curds and whey could save a childs life?!  And that is exactly what it did!  So, now, while we do utilize raw milk in a bowl of granola every now and then... for the most part the 5 gals of milk we get each week is turned into cultured products that we enjoy as a part of our daily routine to improve our digestion and increase our ability to stave off disease..... Healthy Guts = Healthy Family!
  • Salts are an integral part of our human system.  We NEED salt... NOT the bleached, denatured salts that we find in so many processed - ready boxed foods... or hidden in canned goods etc.  That stuff is pretty much evil.  No, instead we utilize natural salts such as Redmond's Real Salt and Celtic Sea Salt.  These natural salts that our bodies NEED.  We are mammals after all and just like the deer, sheep, cow, etc out and about that seeks out a salt to lick at we need to ingest salt to live and provide balance in our systems.  I'm not saying "pour it on" - no, not at all... and in some cases foods contain natural amounts of sodium.  However, we do need to supplement it in small portions.  
  • WE are ALL about No GMO All Organic.... if you are in need of seeds to grow your own look to Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company in Mansfield MO.  It was started by a 17 year old entrepreneurial home schooled young man - that was 1998!  Gere Gettle gets his heirloom seeds TESTED to ensure that NONE are GMO contaminated.  We know him personally from his festivals as we took part in them for many years... we have begged off in the last couple of years due to having two babies back to back.
  • Permaculture
  • Whole Foods Plant Based Diet utilizing small portions of humanely/organically - wild caught/raised meats and RAW fermented dairy.  One of our favorite meats is a roast that WE turn into Corned Beef.  The recipe is included in Sally Fallons Nourishing Traditions.
  • We Juice in the morning - fruit only - to jump start our systems.  Fruit is best consumed on an empty stomach... it goes right into the digestive system and is readily utilized by our bodies without being bogged down and fermenting in our tummies causing bloating and gas.  Carrot/Celery juiced in the afternoon helps cleanse toxins from the body and gives one the energy to get through the late part of the day that typically finds you sluggish and in want of a burst of energy.  A New Way of Eating from the Fit for Life Kitchen is a great place to go for recipes and information on the many benefits of Juicing.
  • Instead of white processed sugar, chemically derived artificial sugar substitutes etc you will find raw honey, natural sorghum, black strap molasses, stevia, raw agave nectar (rare) and xylitol (when needed for baking or teeth care to help restore enamel and prevent decay.   We even avoid dehydrated cane juice... just too many reactions for our ASD kiddo... too obvious that it is something not to avoid.
  • No Soy - any form but fermented and then in small quantities.  Aside from the non-fermented Braggs Aminos which is GMO free and we use it on a rare basis, you won't find soy in our home anymore.  I sometime question if soy wasn't the reason we ended up with Jacob?
  • No Corn unless we grow it from non-GMO or we know EXACTLY that the bag of corn chips we are snacking on is GMO free... we actually found one with the coop we started - it is sold through Country Life Natural Foods.  Made by Whole Grain Milling Company out of MI.  The use a non-GMO corn to make their thick tortilla chip... GREAT crunch!  You don't have to sit and eat the whole bag to be satisfied like you do other chips.  After having these chips this week... I question ALL other tortilla chips now.  There is something wholesome and unique to these... something 'Traditional' that is missed with other mass marketed 'big box' organic chips.
  • utilize Extra Virgin Coconut Oil for everything from clearing up candida, diaper rash, moisturizer, digestive health, cooking and more!
Well, I think that is it... though I'm sure I've missed something.  LOL

Your Turn!  Share what Healthy Living For Healthy Families means to you!  Look forward to your comments!

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