Saturday, November 23, 2013

brain damage post vaccine

Boy left brain-damaged, unable to walk or talk after vaccine

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On Saturday, it was reported that an Australian boy suffered severe brain damage, including seizures and encephalopathy or swelling of the brain, after a doctor in Australia accidentally administered an adult version of the CSL Fluvax shot.
In The Sunday Telegraph of The Australian, it was reported that Lachlan Neylan was given an adult version of the CSL Fluvax shot that is currently banned for children under five in Australia.Lachlan's parents said that after receiving the vaccine in March 2012, the child's temperature soared and he began having fits within seven hours after given Fluvax. The boy's father told The Australian that the boy's doctors thought that their son would not make it through the weekend after the boy collapsed and started having seizures. He also said that Lachlan had been a toddler who walked and talked before he had been given the vaccine but after receiving the vaccine his son became like a three month old who could not sit, walk, or use his arms.The vaccine that the toddler was given was the ­contraindicated Fluvax, which was banned for children under five in 2010 ­after mass injections triggered febrile ­seizures at 10 times the expected rate. The GP who administered the vaccine has admitted the medical error. The Australian government's adverse events report also admits the error.The Neylan family has moved to Sydney and have turned their rented western Sydney home into a ­rehabilitation centre for Lachlan, now  three years old and learning to crawl again. The family currently is paying for the cost of rehabilitation until they receive compensation.

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